Effective Nonprofit Governance: Lessons Learned


Effective Nonprofit Governance: Lessons Learned

Great articles on good governance have appeared for years comparing how the governance and operations of nonprofit and for profit organizations are closely similar or very different, depending on the author you follow. For example, renowned management consultant, Peter Drucker, said effective use of the board is an area in which business can learn from the nonprofit sector (“What the Nonprofits Are Teaching Business” from The Essential Drucker, pages 39-44) while Harvard Professor F. Warren McFarlan said the governance of nonprofit organizations is very different from the governance of for-profit businesses in several critical areas, including missions, measurements, and board composition (“Working on Nonprofit Boards: Don’t Assume the Shoe Fits,” Harvard Business Review, Nov.-Dec. 1999, p. 64).

Read more: Effective Nonprofit Governance: Lessons Learned